Dynamic materials for making animations on your slide of slideshow effects.


Creates a texture slide transitions. Translate one texture A to texture B with a wheel effect.


Basic effects for 2D objects or no shadow situation.

Start rotation offset

Differences between set Texture B as None and Check TO_TRANSPARENT:

Wheel light /Surfaceshader

For 3D objects, with light and shadow.

Start rotation offset
Textures with transparent parts supported.
remove "alpha:fade" at
#pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows vertex:vert alpha:fade
Tags {"Queue"="Transparent" } //cannot receive shadow
to receive shadow


Add a color changing light on the main texture.


Effects for 2D objects or no shadow situation.

Loop types:

Blend types:


Texture slide transitions with a halftone effect.
There are two types of halftone effects, moving a halftone mask and points popup in grids.

Halftone Popup

The center of each point is aligned in grids determined by HALFTONE_SETTING (rotation, diameter, and aspect ratio).
The radius of each point increased by Halftone position.

Halftone Popup Type B

Halftone Popup Type A

Define a halftone with Vertical, flip, and offset option.

Halftone Mask (Lite)

Basic Effects with fewer Properties. For 2D objects or no shadow situation.

Halftone Mask Advantage (Type B)

Advantage effects. For no shadow situation.

Vertical and Flip:


Aspect Ratio:

Halftone Mask Texture

Use a mask texture as the halftone mask.

Halftone Mask Light/Surfaceshader

For 3D objects, with light and shadow.

Textures with transparent parts supported.
remove "alpha:fade" at
#pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows vertex:vert alpha:fade
Tags {"Queue"="Transparent" } //cannot receive shadow
to receive shadow

Popup and Rotate:

Popup and Rotate(single texture)

make a texture zoomed and rotate.

Popup and Rotate(mask)

Texture Mask:

Texture slide transitions with a mask texture, use alpha channel or grayscale.

Texture Mask


Translate a texture in grids.


Texture slide transitions in grids.

Popup Mask

Zoom the mask texture in grids.
You can use the Tiling and Offset of Mask Texture to adjust the effect.

Grid Dissolve

A dissolve effect with grids.

Triangular Billboard (Trivision):

Analog a shutter or triangular billboard.


The Basic Effects with minimum Properties. For 2D objects or no shadow situation.

Triangular Billboard Advantage

Advantage effects with more Properties. For 2D objects or no shadow situation.

Triangular Billboard ADV light/Surfaceshader

For 3D objects, with a light and shadow.

Textures with transparent parts supported.
remove "alpha:fade" at
#pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows vertex:vert alpha:fade
Tags {"Queue"="Transparent" } //cannot receive shadow
to receive shadow

Flip types and Styles

Bar Swipe:

Erase or swipe texture in bar or lines.

Bar Swipe(Type1,Type2)

Bar Swipe1.

Bar Swipe2.

Bar Swipe(Wheel)

Bar swipe in a whirl-like style.

Bar Swipe2.

Texture Offset:

Offset the texture make an infinite cyclic background.

background Loop

There are two types of background loop effect, BackgroundLoopT runs depend on system time, BackgroundLoopP works with the progress value.

Texture Sketch

Add a sketch texture to the main texture, with the grayscale of the mask texture.

Pixelated Basic

Basic effects to make a texture Pixelated.

Pixelated Advantage


As an oil paint filter, draw textures in oil paint style

Paint basic

Paint with Distortion Texture